︎Editor’s Letter︎Alex Zafiris︎Editor’s Letter︎Alex Zafiris︎Editor’s Letter︎Alex Zafiris

Figure in Space with Plane Geometry and Spatial Delineations, Oskar Schlemmer, 1924-25, via Bauhaus Bookshelf.
Editor’s Letter
Alex Zafiris
Welcome to Issue 2 of Maquette.
Despite being closed this year, we weren’t going to let you miss out on the ideas, conversations, and experiments that continued to stream through CCAM. Going online was a necessary shift that asked all of us to adapt. We began to move and live in new ways. Even the earth was sounding and behaving differently.
The pages of a journal are a special space, and I wanted to focus on solving problems and welcoming a new awareness. All of the articles in this issue address change, in one form or another. Each looks at ways in which we can see, feel, and think more expansively and resourcefully despite enormous challenges.
The theme presented itself naturally: re-orientation. It hints at structure: architecture, design, and technology, and insinuates new shapes, movements, and communication.
As well as being connected through CCAM, the stories all interweave. Disciplines, rhythms, narratives, and media all took on new resonance. New forms of gesture and perception were examined, as well as the body’s relationship to shifted parameters. The possibilities of technology were pushed in search of playing music as a remote ensemble, or to find the limits of a digital image. We imagined taking works of art outside into the streets, colonizing Mars, and steering an asteroid out of harm’s way. We talked to machines, were possessed by them, and conversed with AI. We discussed data, ethics, surveillance, activism, performance, the unseen and the weightless. We used all of this to map new spaces, language, and emotion.
Thank you to the brilliant team at CCAM, and to you for reading!
Let us know what you think, or pitch us ideas: alexzafiris@gmail.com